A pic from Drew's 4e D&D game. The heroes were fighting an ogre pulling a cart full of explosives while town burned around them. Brutal fight with Jagger Killmane dishing out some serious damage and taking the majority of the abuse.
Today, a court in Singapore sentenced the fifty year old Ong Kian Cheong and his forty-six year old wife, Dorothy Chan Hien Leng for distributing a series of eleven Jack Chick comics, described as “seditious or objectionable” to Muslims.Check out the full story and images from the religious tract here.
Marcus Nispel has been set by Nu Image/Millennium Films to direct "Conan," ending a nine-year development ordeal to reinvent the Robert E. Howard-created barbarian first immortalized onscreen by Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1982.Production is scheduled to start at the end of the year.
As we already know, they're halfway done with shooting, and almost all of the dialogue is finished being shot, with the next six weeks dedicated to action. Earlier today I posted a brief update from Mickey Rourke, and while Feige talked highly of Rourke and Sam Rockwell's involvement as villains, he also dropped an interesting hint about Scarlett Johansson. He said her character has "two sides" - her entrance is as an assistant to Tony Stark, but she is later revealed to be a character named Black Widow. Is this a veiled confirmation that her character stays true to the comics and eventually betrays Stark? I think so.Feige also confirmed that Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston were officially cast in Thor. He spoke very highly about both actors, but focused more on Hiddleston, who plays the villain Loki. Feige explained that finding a classic villain that could be sustained over the course of many films and provide the hero with a challenge while also being a mirror of that hero himself was very tough. "Loki has those aspects." He also did say that Thor takes place on both modern Earth and other worlds like Asgard, confirming what we heard the other day about Donald Blake not being a part of the story and the setting be primarily Earth. And lastly, he said that director Kenneth Branagh would not let them use any classic Shakespearian dialogue like was often used in the comics.
But let's get back on topic, specifically The First Avenger: Captain America. Feige confirmed that it's "primarily" a period piece that takes place during WWII. He said they went and looked at Raiders of the Lost Ark, which he says he "didn't know" was a period piece when he was watching it. They want to make Captain America with the "same level of fun" as that. And in regards to director Joe Johnston, he said that this would be a little bit of The Rocketeer, lots of October Sky, and a little bit of the ship designs that Johnston did for Star Wars, alluding to how this is the perfect movie for him to direct. "It's the movie his entire career has been leading towards."
"You want to feel Thor's rage when he rages. You want to see him fight like hell, and take as much he dishes out -- maybe more. You want to have a visceral reaction to the guy, and what happens to him. You don't want his adventures to be clean and antiseptic. You want to see the dirt, and grime and blood. You want to feel every bone crunching moment of every fight. And when he unleashes the storm, you want to feel like you're seeing the power of a GOD at work ... But at the end of the day, he's a man. In the comics, Odin sends him to Earth because he's not perfect. He's brash, arrogant. Even over-confident. We all know that guy -- some of us have even been that guy. Stan Lee's genius was to give Thor-as-hero an emotional throughline we could all relate to, and knock him down a couple of pegs. So on that level, your question answers itself. The challenge is to dramatize that and make the audience see what the fans have known and believed about the character all along."Read more at Cinematical.
“I’m intimately involved with it,” Reynolds told HitFix about the “X-Men” spin-off. “It’s going to be just like the comic books. I’m gonna have a messed up face and you may see some flashbacks of Wade earlier in his life, but primarily what you see is what you get in the comics and that’s the goal. And there is no better place to draw material from then the comics which are incredible.”Check out the full article at MTV's Splash page.