From the new series of Doctor Who. As seen on Bleeding Cool.
I don't know. I mean what kind of effect is this supposed to have on the viewer? No sir, I don't like it. (Mike)
New Gaming Stuff
Got a gaming order in today... For Roleplaying Games we got Martial Power 2 back in, Palladium's Dead Reign, and we received three books for the new 6 Ed Hero System -- Character Creation, Combat & Adventuring, and the Basic Rulebook. In Board Games we have Ticket to Ride and some expansions, Wits & Wagers, Dominion, and the new Heroscape Expansion. And we have the new Duel Decks for Magic the Gathering, Phyrexia vs. The Coalition.
MONDAY TELEMETRY For March 29th, 2010
Welcome to another installment of Monday Telemetry, a weekly blog from The Launchpad that covers some of the more interesting releases or events that are coming to the store this week.
ITEM! The Launchpad will be closed this Saturday, April 3rd.We're heading to SF for WonderCon. Folks who have signed on for our carpool, please be at the shop by 7:30am Saturday morning.
ITEM! We've been having a great turnout for D&D Encounters on Wednesday evenings. We had a full group this last week but people drop in and out so if you're interested in playing there may be an open seat(s) some weeks.
ITEM! Our X-men Second Coming package deal begins in earnest with the release of X-men Second Coming #1. Click here for the details on what's included in the first installment of the deal.
ITEM! We had a great time playing Heroclix this Sunday. We'll have more formal play in April with the release of the Brave and The Bold. But right now we've got some casual play in the late afternoons on Sunday. Stop on by if you play Heroclix or want to learn to play.
ITEM! We got rings! With the release of Blackest Night #8 we've had the opportunity to get more rings for the various Lanterns. Stop on by the shop to see how to get yours!
The extra-sized conclusion to the most talked-about event in comics is here, and the results will change the course of the DC Universe for years to come. Earth has become the final battleground for life versus death, but how will our heroes fight back against the darkness of sentient space itself? And what does the future hold for Green Lantern, The Flash and the rest of the world's greatest heroes and villains? Find out here as the stage is set for the next epic era of DC Comics!
Marvel's most-requested duo return in this all-new one-shot, spinning out of X-MEN: NATION X! Cloak - dark, brooding teleporter. Dagger - deadly, shining mistress of light. Having quit the Dark X-Men, Cloak and Dagger find their partnership strained as they struggle to fit in among the mutants of Utopia. But when a new menace targets Cloak, Dagger must make a fateful choice for both of them. Guest-starring the X-Men, and written by Stuart Moore (WOLVERINE NOIR) with stunning art by Mark Brooks (YOUNG AVENGERS).
Following the decision that occurred in JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRY FOR JUSTICE and the events of JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE RISE AND FALL SPECIAL #1, the World's Greatest Heroes must come to terms with who they are and what they represent. Meanwhile, an all-new danger threatens the existence of everything past and present in the exciting finale of "Team History."
MANY WILL BE WOUNDED. SEVERAL WILL DIE. The climax of four years of X-Men stories is the X-Event of 2010! What started in HOUSE OF M with the Decimation of mutantkind and erupted with the first new mutant birth in MESSIAH COMPLEX finishes here. In the epic crossover SECOND COMING, Cyclops' faith pays off when Cable returns to the present with Hope, the girl he believes to be the mutant messiah. But will she be the savior or destroyer of mutantkind? We may never know, as she is the target of an initiative for mutant eradication unlike anything they X-Men have ever experienced. Many will be wounded. Several will die. Is Hope worth it?
Dick Giordano Passes.
As reported on Bleeding Cool.
Dear Friends & Colleagues,
It is my sorrowful duty to announce that legendary artist/editor/entrepreneur Dick Giordano passed away today.
Few could ever hope to match what he accomplished in his chosen profession, or to excel while maintaining great humor, compassion for his peers and an unwavering love for the art form.
His unique vision changed the comic industry forever and all of those who work in the business continue to share in the benefits of his sizable contributions.
I have been honored to call him a business partner, mentor and dear friend throughout the majority of my lifetime.
We will not see his like again.
Bob Layton
Dick Giordano on wikipedia.
Scott Pilgrim Trailer
If you haven't seen the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World trailer, check it out at Apple. Still waiting for #3 in the Blood and Ice Cream trilogy, but this looks pretty damn great. (Mike)
The Losers Set Visit
Cinematical visited the set of the upcoming comic-to-film adaptation The Losers. Looking forward to this! (Mike)
Chris Evans up for Captain America role.
Hollywood Reporter broke the story.
Chris Evans is one step closer to the role of Captain America.
Sources tell us the actor, who once donned superhero garb in two "Fantastic Four" movies, has been offered the role of Captain America.
Hey Gamers
If you're a tabletop gamer (CCGs, Roleplaying Games, Heroclix, whatever), you should check out this forum: Central Valley Gamers.
The Launchpad has its own forum there and it's a cool community. Get on there and represent!
The Launchpad has its own forum there and it's a cool community. Get on there and represent!
Tiny D&D Camera
Arkham Asylum 3d now coming to North America
via Joystiq
March Siege Deal
Here's the details on March's Siege Package Deal:
You'll pay only $17.49 for these titles, discounted from the cover price of $26.92.
ALSO, everyone buying March's package deal will be entered into a drawing to win an INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #1 Bob Layton Variant!
Siege #3
Dark Avengers #15
Dark Wolverine #84
Mighty Avengers #35
New Avengers #63
New Mutants #11
Thor #608
Thunderbolts #142
You'll pay only $17.49 for these titles, discounted from the cover price of $26.92.
ALSO, everyone buying March's package deal will be entered into a drawing to win an INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #1 Bob Layton Variant!
MONDAY TELEMETRY For March 15th, 2010
Welcome to another installment of Monday Telemetry, a weekly blog from The Launchpad that covers some of the more interesting releases or events that are coming to the store this week.
ITEM! Siege continues with Siege #3 and Siege Embedded #3. Specifics on the March Siege Deal will follow in another blog post. FYI, numerous Siege-related title have been delayed by two weeks, probably to keep the whole schedule in alignment.
ITEM! Dungeon & Dragons Encounters starts this week on Wednesday after the shop closes. D&D Encounters is a weekly one-encounter session that will span a 12-week Spring season.
ITEM! The D&D Player's Handbook 3 is out this Tuesday. Just in time for D&D Game Day this Saturday, the 20th. We'll be running a short D&D adventure set in the Far Realms to commemorate the release of the PHB3 after the shop closes.
Witness the birth of a brand new species of vampire in this new ongoing series that begins with five extra-sized issues featuring back-to-back stories by exciting new writer Scott Snyder and the master of horror himself, Stephen King! When notorious outlaw Skinner Sweet is attacked by an old enemy (who happens to be a member of the undead), the first American vampire is born... a vampire powered by the sun, stronger, fiercer, and meaner than anything that came before. Plus... Pearl Jones is a struggling young actress in 1920s Los Angeles. But when her big break brings her face-to-face with an ancient evil, her Hollywood dream quickly turns into a brutal, shocking nightmare.
Issue #1 is highly recommended. This series has been a pleasant surprise!
Doctor Doom's latest power play has the Marvel Universe up in arms. Wakanda has been conquered and Storm faces execution in the next 48 hours -- unless the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and the two Black Panthers can rally to the rescue! With Doom only minutes away from stealing enough Vibranium to help him conquer the world, T'Challa faces the most dreadful decision possible: let Doom win...or let Storm die!
Desert survival is hard, even without a cannibal cult in the mix. Five people will find that out as they embark on the most terrifying journey of their young lives...only none of them are what they seem--and neither is anything else!-- in this gut-wrenching horror miniseries.
X-23 #1
The $2.99 rollback continues! We're knocking a dollar off this ish!
X-23 has spent her short life being used by those in power, from the military to the X-Men. But when she is forced to confront a being who can control her life with nothing but a thought, will X-23 finally learn how to fight -- not for others, but herself? Guest-starring NYX!
ITEM! Siege continues with Siege #3 and Siege Embedded #3. Specifics on the March Siege Deal will follow in another blog post. FYI, numerous Siege-related title have been delayed by two weeks, probably to keep the whole schedule in alignment.
ITEM! Dungeon & Dragons Encounters starts this week on Wednesday after the shop closes. D&D Encounters is a weekly one-encounter session that will span a 12-week Spring season.
ITEM! The D&D Player's Handbook 3 is out this Tuesday. Just in time for D&D Game Day this Saturday, the 20th. We'll be running a short D&D adventure set in the Far Realms to commemorate the release of the PHB3 after the shop closes.
Witness the birth of a brand new species of vampire in this new ongoing series that begins with five extra-sized issues featuring back-to-back stories by exciting new writer Scott Snyder and the master of horror himself, Stephen King! When notorious outlaw Skinner Sweet is attacked by an old enemy (who happens to be a member of the undead), the first American vampire is born... a vampire powered by the sun, stronger, fiercer, and meaner than anything that came before. Plus... Pearl Jones is a struggling young actress in 1920s Los Angeles. But when her big break brings her face-to-face with an ancient evil, her Hollywood dream quickly turns into a brutal, shocking nightmare.
Issue #1 is highly recommended. This series has been a pleasant surprise!
Doctor Doom's latest power play has the Marvel Universe up in arms. Wakanda has been conquered and Storm faces execution in the next 48 hours -- unless the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and the two Black Panthers can rally to the rescue! With Doom only minutes away from stealing enough Vibranium to help him conquer the world, T'Challa faces the most dreadful decision possible: let Doom win...or let Storm die!
Desert survival is hard, even without a cannibal cult in the mix. Five people will find that out as they embark on the most terrifying journey of their young lives...only none of them are what they seem--and neither is anything else!-- in this gut-wrenching horror miniseries.
X-23 #1
The $2.99 rollback continues! We're knocking a dollar off this ish!
X-23 has spent her short life being used by those in power, from the military to the X-Men. But when she is forced to confront a being who can control her life with nothing but a thought, will X-23 finally learn how to fight -- not for others, but herself? Guest-starring NYX!
New Game Stuff
Got a game order in... restocked a bunch of dice, Fantasy Flight's gaming tokens, got Reiner Knizia's Through The Desert, Champions 6E RPG, some Yu-Gi-Oh boosters, restock on Ultra Pro card sleeves, restocked MtG mana deck boxes, got Lotus Bloom deck protectors, some Heroclix Battle Packs, and Harrowing Halls Dungeon Tiles for D&D.
MONDAY TELEMETRY For March 8th, 2010
Art sensation Andy Clarke (R.E.B.E.L.S., BATMAN CONFIDENTIAL) joins writer Grant Morrison for an exciting three-issue arc titled "Batman vs. Robin"! Why would Talia al Ghul manipulate her son Damian into taking action against Batman? Will Damian do as Mother says...or stay loyal to Dick Grayson? Plus, more on the Domino Killer, Oberon Sexton, and the menace of El Penitente's drug cartel! Is this already the end for the new Dynamic Duo?
Continue the Cry For Justice story here! This issue will be on sale while supplies last... Get this issue for a dollar off the regular price!
Following the stunning conclusion to JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRY FOR JUSTICE comes the next epic chapter for the World's Greatest Heroes. What controversial decision has created a split in the League? A new meaning to the term "hunt for justice" creates fear in the villain populace. Plus, a shocking secret is revealed that will change Green Arrow's life forever.
The origin of the new Vulture! Who is he? Why does he prey on the city's criminals? And what extreme circumstance could possibly make Spider-Man even consider allying with a creature this deadly? The Gauntlet pits Spidey against his most dangerous foe yet!
When Isabella Swan moves to the town of Forks, Washington to live with her father, she believes that her life is over. The town is gloomy beneath perpetual rain clouds, the high school's social cliques annoy her. In class, she meets the mysterious, alluring Edward Cullen and her life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. With his porcelain skin, golden eyes, mesmerizing voice, and supernatural gifts, Edward is both irresistible and impenetrable. Up until now, he has managed to keep his true identity hidden, but Bella is determined to uncover his dark secret. Based on Stephenie Meyer's bestselling romance about star-crossed lovers, with new and expanded scenes, this beautifully rendered first installment of the two-volume Twilight: The Graphic Novel is a must-have for every reader of the novels and fans of the blockbuster films.
New Comics In Store 03-10-10
A full list of the books, toys, and games coming in this week after the jump.
Wondercon Game Programming
For those of you going to WonderCon and that are interested the WC site has their game tourney schedules up.
Here's the breakdown of the Heroclix tourneys:
FRI 1:00 PM - 500 points
Nongeneric Theme Team (unrestricted)
Top 5 move to Sunday Championship
SAT 11:30 AM - 500 points
3-Booster Sealed Event
Top 10 move to Sunday Championship
SUN 11:30 AM - 300 points
Constructed/Restricted Only
Top 15 players from Friday and Saturday
Cash prize of $500 and a 2010 WonderCon Trophy!
Here's the breakdown of the Heroclix tourneys:
FRI 1:00 PM - 500 points
Nongeneric Theme Team (unrestricted)
Top 5 move to Sunday Championship
SAT 11:30 AM - 500 points
3-Booster Sealed Event
Top 10 move to Sunday Championship
SUN 11:30 AM - 300 points
Constructed/Restricted Only
Top 15 players from Friday and Saturday
Cash prize of $500 and a 2010 WonderCon Trophy!
Hellz Yeah.
Check it... New update from Wizkids.
Now if they'd just do a double base with the GL and GA catching Roy Harper shooting smack.... (Mike)
Now if they'd just do a double base with the GL and GA catching Roy Harper shooting smack.... (Mike)
The Last Stand of New Krypton checklist
Got this from DC...
Part 2: SUPERGIRL #51
Part 3: SUPERMAN #698
Part 7: SUPERGIRL #52
Part 8: SUPERMAN #699
Siege February Package Drawing!
We've drawn the winner of the Siege February Package SIEGE #2 DELL'OTTO VARIANT. And the winner is ... Jared! Swing on by the shop and we'll give you your filthy luchre.
Player's Handbook 3 Game Day!
Player’s Handbook 3 Game Day
March 20th, 7:00 pm @ The Launchpad
Celebrate the release of Player’s Handbook 3 with a day of adventure! Psionic characters, skill powers, and hybrid classes abound in this essential rulebook. Test out the new classes and rules as you play a unique adventure and grab a copy of Player’s Handbook 3 while you’re here.
Four Color Special! (or $2.99 Rollback!)
We've got two comics on special right now, DC's First Wave #1 is a dollar off, making it $2.99, and Marvel's Girl Comics #1 is two dollars off, making it $2.99 as well. The offer is good while supplies last.
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